Auction Info
- Auction Type:
- Standard
- Quantity:
- 1
- High Bidder:
- bettyjay91
- # of Bids:
- 7 Bid History
- Starting Bid:
- $1,495.00 USD
- Time Remaining:
- Auction starts on first bid(Auction End: Nov 20-17:23)
- Listing Began:
- Nov 17-17:23
(Preview Until: Nov 17-17:23)
$1,660.00 USD
For 1 Item
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- $19.50 USD
Seller or Buyer's Comments and Description:
This listing is for a floor demo of the Diacera Promax Speed Adjuster.
Complete Diacera-Promax Speed Adjuster:
The Diacera-Promax Speed Adjuster is the most powerful adjusting instrument we carry. It can produce up to 70 PSI and has 3 levels of thrust. Thrust level can easily be controlled by a dial at the front of the instrument. Level one produces 25 PSI, level 2 produces 50 PSI, and level 3 produces 70 PSI. This instrument comes with a 10 year manufacturer's warranty. We will repair or replace this instrument free of charge for the length of the warranty. No other tool can carry this type of warranty. We guarantee that your investment will pay for itself within a few years due to less repair and replacement issues.
The Diacera-Promax Speed Adjuster is used to manipulate joints and surrounding tissue in order to increase metabolic and neurological activity. This instrument is used by healthcare professionals worldwide because of it's precision in delivering the correct amount of force and velocity to specific areas of the body. Diacera Promax adjusting instruments have proven themselves to be effective in decreasing pain and recovery time as well as increasing range of motion in both chronic and acute patients.